The last few weeks, I attended to two conferences about the Cloud by Google. The first one was the Google Cloud Summit, the first toke place at Paris, the 19th of October in the Palais des Congrès. It started with a keynote by the VP (EMEA) of Google Cloud to welcome everyone and remember some impressive figures. Whereas Google deploys a new data-centers each month, the cloud only represents only 5% of the overall companies workload but it uses 40% of the Internet traffic! They invested $30 million until now and they want to be ready when the shift will happen!

The conference was divided in three tracks with theirs own subjects: Data, DevOps and Collaboration & Infrastructure. I personally chose to go to at least one conference on each subject so I covered various topics from technical ones with Kubernetes and serverless applications with Function to machine learning with Google APIs or using TensorFlow passing by secure applications on ChromeOS and Android. It helped a lot to understand the product catalog and offered a global vision of the Google Cloud Platform. Conference like “Where should I run my code” summarized it well.
The second event I attend was Google Cloud OnBoard, a training session about Google Cloud the 8th of November in the Salle Wagram at Paris too. Whereas the Google Cloud Summit was composed by 60% of developers and the others were mainly decision makers, the Google Cloud OnBoard was a technical training in order to (re)discover the Google Cloud Platform and its products. It started by some key concepts, like roles and permissions with IAM, then moved to key products like App Engine, Compute Engine and Datastore. OnBoard sessions trained more than 300k people across 50 countries.
Both events were very well planned and organized. Communication was excellent and everything was done in order to enjoy the moment. I mean, no queue to get your badge, WiFi password on the back of your badge, training notes and drinks set up on every seat of the room, people everywhere to answer your question or guide you to your next conference room: impressive! I really enjoyed those two days and it helped me a lot to understand the platform and how it can fit my needs. Don’t hesitate to create your account and give it a try: there is free trier on a lot of products and you will be offer $300 for the first year!